Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Gould GSA Visits Equality Community Center in Portland

Gould's Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) recently traveled to Portland's Equality Community Center for a GSA meetup! Gould was one of eight schools that attended the event, where queer youth met up, socialized, had a pizza party, played games, and watched "A Guide to Pronouns," a student film from the Cape Elizabeth GSA sharing the importance of asking and respecting peoples pronouns. 
“It’s nice to get together with other people who share your identity,” says Toby, a ninth-grader at Gould. “Being able to gather as a community was special.”
“It’s great to be around others who share your same values and beliefs,” added Dylan ’24. “And to be able to help others understand and learn more.”
It was a fun evening full of games and meeting new people! Thanks to the Cape Elizabeth GSA, Equality Maine, OutMaine, and Equality Community Center.
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Independent High School for Boys and Girls | Grades 9-12, Postgraduate and Winter Term for Grades 7-8 | Boarding School in the Mountains of Maine

Gould Academy guides students to be creative, courageous and resilient and to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose.