Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. day with community service

Students will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday as a call to action, a day of service focused on making the communities with which we engage more equitable in order to facilitate the "Beloved Community" of Dr. King's dream.
Most of our students grades 8-12 will be working with members of the BIPOC/Migrant community of Lewiston in a variety of fashions including:
  • teaching a group of 25 students to ski
  • facilitating a basketball clinic for grades 5-8
  • accompanying a group of children to the Bates College MLK Day workshops focused on Art and Activism and spending the day with the event's keynote speaker
  • mentoring Afghan and Somali children in family homes
  • teaching English and Citizenship classes for recent migrants
  • running a weaving workshop
  • facilitating childcare
  • working on an environmental sustainability and justice program
  • helping on a community farm, at food pantries or at the Good Shepherd Food Bank
Independent High School for Boys and Girls | Grades 9-12, Postgraduate and Winter Term for Grades 7-8 | Boarding School in the Mountains of Maine

Gould Academy guides students to be creative, courageous and resilient and to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose.